By solving critical gaps in the existing DSP market, Martin has built a media buying platform that is more efficient, more independent, more effective and more intuitive than legacy offerings. Believing that attribution must be causal in order to truly achieve marketers’ goals, we’ve built incrementality measurement into the platform, and we’ve also made it far easier and less costly for marketers to leverage their first party data: both to customize the bidding algorithm for their unique objectives, and for targeting and attribution. Leveraging technical expertise and sharing knowledge with our clients are our core values, so we provide always-on access to the data scientists and software engineers who help drive better results from your marketing.

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About the Author

Cuebiq Marketing Team

The Cuebiq Marketing team is a group of data-driven marketers with a focus on strategy and a flair for the creative! Our team is broken down into Growth and Product Marketing departments, and we work on everything from running the Cuebiq website, to developing thought leadership content, to sales enablement and pipeline generation.